Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

With the new year setting in soon, and seeing the super excitement of 31st december, here comes a post on humans eternal love for socializing.

P.S. Thinkometer is on Christmas and New year leave.
I have always failed to understand as to how a person can happily spend Rs.5000/night to go and dance and booze at a place jam packed with thousands of other "yea! Its 31st!" people; just to say goodbye to a year full of recession and economic crisis! And even more, how we all love 31st December unanimously. :)

But I am not going to write about parties now. Lets consider the other side of new year.
Speaking about new year, family gatherings cannot be ignored. 'We are family, lets have fun together' is the mantra! My observation on big family gatherings are rather funny. And the analysis goes like this - All the people will meet at a gathering special family house. The gatherings are then divided into 4 sections, the children's, the aunties, the uncles, and the grandfather only section. Now there are various stages of these gatherings. The initial stage involves everybody sitting together i.e. all the 4 sections have a combined meet. After some time, the sections split apart with mutual unspoken understanding. The uncles get busy discussing business, outings, and share market (If you are a gujju that is). The aunties get busy with discussing children, food and observing each others accessories (Applicable to all ladies). The children get busy with tv, mobile phones and games. And last but not the least the grandfather section observes all the above 3 sections.
Not to forget the occasional overlapping of uncle,aunty and aunty,children section. Next comes the food time where again all the 4 sections come together.

The second last stage is the most amazing part. The stage that gives chance to demonstrate the skills of best photographer in the family. Yea! The Photo session!
What amuses me most is the obsession of people with family photo's. The camera with rolls were better coz then you just had limited photographs and we used each photo carefully. But now with digicams, the photo session stretches from day to night. And the photographs are taken in all combinations - all the sections separately (including the grandfather section :) ), all possible arithmetic and logical combinations of all the people inside each section, each family, different combo's of different couples etc. And I would highlight here is out of 50 pics taken, background of 49 pics would be same. (The grandfather section pic has a chair background)

The last stage is called "Goodbye stage" which lasts for another hour. The ladies of the family preserve 50% of their total conversation quota for saying bye. If this part was to be skipped, the gents would be relieved of waiting and ladies would faint due to non talking frustration.
And thus we all return happily with memories of one awesome family gathering.
Enough analysis for now. Got to go for a family gathering ;)
Cheers and Happy new year! :)

“Oh my God!” / “God save us” / “Holy Lord” and thousand other ‘I-have-no-other-option / my-ass-is-on-fire’ words we utter every day. And do we ever wonder as to where is God and if he ever listens to these words? Actually we are more habituated of these words and say them unknowingly most of the times.

(Thinkometer: Hey am back! Err... are we looking forward to some spiritual session today?) Holy no!

Apart from the hard core god fans, I am sure we remember god only when we are waiting for something to happen or we don’t know what to do! I would like to throw some more light on the later. (Thinkometer: Boring...)

What if we had a number in our phone saved by the name of “God”

(Thinkometer: Amazing! How do you come up with such imaginations! Get a life!) Thanks. Secret: The source of this idea was a special “philosophical” session with friends.

Now the idea of having this contact on cell phone excites me more than knowing how much Headley loves India or how much Angie baby earns per movie. And with the cell phone companies cutting and smashing each other’s tariff plans like a boxing bag, it would be so cheap to be in touch with ‘God’. We can even forward a “Jai Shri God. Send this sms to 25000 people and hear good news in 2 hours” message - by this we can assure god that we always love him!

(Thinkometer: Aah! The great Indian mobile story continues..) Well, my point is not to analyze the best cell phone operator or best cell phone plan available. By the way, Reliance has come up with an all India free STD plan. (Thinkometer: You said you won’t analyze!) I wrote ‘By the way’ :P. Be happy with free information!

Well back to having God in cell phone. We can call him anytime, anywhere. P.S. Provided he has call waiting activated. (Thinkometer: Smarty!) Thanku thanku.

And to think of it, our routine conversations would be like,

Me: Hey God! Wassup!
God: Yes, I am up. Wassdown!
Me: Well.. err.. I need help!

Me: Goddy! How is this girl?
God: Don't look at her. She is a nice girl.
Me: Thanks.

Me: Oh my God! Help! Help!
God: I don't take trouble in saving people from barking dogs you looser!

Me: Should I? Should I not?
God: Why do people get so confused in selecting a place to pee in a public toilet! 3rd one from left seems to be okay.
Me: Hehe. Thank you.

Me: Which restaurant should I go?
God: I am not here for such nonsense questions you moron! (Hangs up)

And to keep up with the exam mood...

Me: Will I pass in this exam?
God: Even God can't save you this time! Muhahaha :D
(Thinkometer: *Sighs*)

Happy talking! :)

2012! So much is being said, debated and feared about this year. (Thinkometer: Knew something on 2012 was coming)

1** I have always admitted my predictability. :P**

From world famous NASA scientists to local wannabe rocket scientists; from Grammy winners to bathroom singers; from country presidents to building residents (Thinkometer: Good rhyme!); from Obama to Osama; every single human on this “3 years to live” planet has his say on 2012. So I thought why not write some crap on this as well. (Thinkometer: No need to mention crap. It’s understood) Huh! I was just being honest :P

As per the reverse countdown specialists, 21st Dec 2012 is the D-Day. (Thinkometer: Isn’t the wedding day also termed as D-Day?) Yes! Anything which has huge destructive non-reversible impact on any human can be termed as the D-Day. Ok, so going by the facts, the Mayan Calendar will end on the D-Day and thus the world will come to an end. And this won’t happen in a single day; we will face a lot of calamities before the D-Day. Now there is a thing with calamities, there is nothing called as biggest calamity happening these days, every new calamity seems to be different, bigger and more Calamitier (Thinkometer: So true, heavy rains caused the sewage to overflow and I lost my 5rs coin and almost swam my way out from that knee deep water) So big to be a calamity! I should have mentioned the innovativeness of calamities. *Sighs*

So I just made a random list of 20 things some people and group of people might want to do before 2012: (Thinkometer: You can’t complete a post without any lists. Can you? ) Refer 1**

  • Obama: I want to bring change at least by 20th Dec 2012!
  • Osama: Destroy USA before that stupid calamity does.
  • Bill Gates: Looking forward to release Windows 2010, 2011 and Windows Final! Boom!
  • China: Of all the things in the world to be destroyed in 2012, 99% should be ‘Made in China’
  • Pakistan: We don’t care about 2012, even if these talibani bastards allow us to survive till 2011, it would be a miracle!
  • Raj Thakrey: No external calamity can come to Maharashtra and trouble the Marathi manoos.
  • Karan Johar: I want to decide my sexual orientation at the earliest.
  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee: Zzzzzz
  • Sachin Tendulkar: Great feeling! I will retire only when the Earth retires
  • Emraan Hashmi: With 2012, I will “kiss” the world goodbye!
  • Himesh Reshamiya: I want to win the Oscar for best actor
  • Thinkometer: I should be involved in at least one sensible topic on this blog before 2012
  • Mayan souls who predicted 2012: We were kidding!

Sorry to interrupt but laziness has struck back! And I don’t want to waste any bit of being lazy in these last 3 years! (Thinkometer: Duh! You just said that the Mayans were kidding)

Err.. I was kidding ;)

Ok! So this post is not about Sharon Stone giving lessons on instincts (Thinkometer: Ahh! I remember her.. that well 'dressed' lady from the famous movie?) Yeah right. And FYI recently that movie got a sequel too which dint work out as the first one did. (Thinkometer: Obviously there is a big difference between instinct at 25 and instinct at 65!) :)

Err.. Back to topic - This post is a result of my instinctive urge to blog and a thought process behind such instincts. I am the biggest self confessed follower of my instincts. 95% of my actions are a result of what I feel at a point of time. (Thinkometer: True! I am reading this crap just out of my instincts) Thank you! I appreciate that.
And if we observe properly, this entire world lives on instincts. Its in our blood, we rarely realise this! Let me give you some examples of decisions made out of instincts i.e. by not thinking on anything:
  • I wrote this post
  • You started to read this post
  • You are still reading this post
  • Sachin pulled a silly shot which got him out at 99
  • Someone slapped you real hard just like that (Someone will be happy reading this)
  • Bush was elected as the president of USA
  • Bush attacked Afghanistan
  • Bush attacked Iraq
  • Obama said he would bring "Change"
  • You are still reading this post
  • I thought I could write 10 examples on instincts!
(Thinkometer: Smarty! You were actually able to give top 10 examples I could ever get) Thanks again! :)
Isn't it quiet evident that instincts are put into action when everything else fails. Infact we use them even before we try everything. And trust me, its all worth it!
The instinct of choice is what is most frequently used. When presented with a tough situation, you either reject the option or go with it. Try asking a person who has been married for 25 years and hadnt had a fight with his wife even once! He would bless his instinct of choosing the right person. (Thinkometer: Wow! Where did you find this person? Does he live on this planet? Are they humans? Do they live in the same house?...) Duh! Atleast pay attention to the main topic of this post! (Thinkometer: Main topic? Ohh ya, Sharon Stone! ) Sick man!
Do whatever makes us happy. Sing, Dance, Shout, Run, Jump, no matter where you are. People dont really care about our actions. But we care - care for 1 life we have got. No regrets!
Brain is not supposed to be used for everything in life, do what our heart says. Infact, when faced with a crossroad, lets go where we feel like going. In the end, we are responsible for our own actions! (Thinkometer: Now these were awesomely philosophical lines!) I know :)
(Thinkometer: Btw what happened to Sharon Stone?) :( :( :(
P.S. I put the above picture because I felt like putting it. Were we talking about instincts? ;)

Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this post are real people, and have got nothing to do with fiction. Any resemblance with any fictional character from start wars or any steven speilberg movie is purely coincidental.

Now here comes the post dedicated to 3... And yea these 3 are more bonded than the bond we feel when we hear "Bond... James Bond!"
On their constant request to share a space in my blog... and out of my personal interest in studying their behavior... Am writing this post. Actually I have always had this penchant to study extra terrestrial species :)
The 3 I am talking about are none other than the happiness, inspiration and purity!
(Thinkometer: He is trying to teach me the essence of life.. Baba Ramdev reincarnated) No I am not! :P
Note: As mentioned in my previous posts, All the guesses on readers thoughts will be attributed by "Thinkometer"

Now back to the topic, (Thinkometer: Topic? What topic? Ohh yes the 3!) Right.. The 3!
To start with all the 3 have this point of highly energized extra magnetic extra gravity signal transmitting body controlling reactor.... Phew!
This point is activated when they see each other and shout each others names with "passionate happiness" (Thinkometer: Now this is some interesting term) Thanks, I discovered it.. you see scientific study leads to a lot of innovation ;)
Ya so back to the topic, both their hands go up horizontally and are positioned forward almost 90 degree with respect to face, and as I said the body control is activated and the legs start running in the direction of the opposite highly magnetic highly gravitational reactor. (Thinkometer: Has the topic shifted to the study of nuclear reactors?) That was stupid! To remind you, am talking about how happiness, inspiration and purity greet each other.
Ya so once these reactors are within close proximity of each other they collide or coincide or clash or dash or whatever you want to call it and the excitement chambers go to a sleep mode for like 5-10 seconds. I sometimes worry that the inspiration and purity might crush happiness. (Thinkometer: Yes! We all like small happiness in life) Exactly! And the happiness here is actually "Small" :)
The next thing is the reactor wakes up again and forces the brain chamber of the body to give a peck on cheeks of the other 2!
And after they have exchanged 3*2=6 pecks, that they proceed towards the next step. (Thinkometer: 3*2=6 was awesome! Can't believe you have actually learnt that!) Thank you. MBA teaches me a lot you see :)
So let me describe the last and final big step, the reactors now control the hand and pull them towards the cheek of the other 2, or sometimes its just the closest person standing next to the hand. The hand starts pulling the cheek... looks nice.. but sometimes I feel that it might just ripoff or come out or get detached.. especially that of happiness and purity :P
But then, the magnetic levels in them are much more than the pains of life.. or rather shames of life :D
(Thinkometer: Shame what?) Ohh sorry! I forgot to mention, all the above phenomenon happens at any random location! No matter where they are or how many people are around, the world is ignored when the reactors are turned on. I am more than amazed to see the dedication with which these ritual is followed every time the 3 meet. And the way in which everyone is ignored, sometimes I even doubt the existence of 100 people who are around.. I feel as if its just my belief!
Inside Secret: Purity gets all conscious sometimes when I am seen staring at the entire process. Happiness is rarely seen, since its always the inspiration or purity that overshadow happiness. Literally! :D
(Thinkometer: I can't get an iota out of this crap!) I know, and for all the dumbs trying to figure out what the above post was about, It was a technical description of how 3 girls meet!
Now aren't you amazed to find this out after reading all the above nonsense? I am! :D
But then, this is the power of 3! ;)
Special thanks to Happiness, Inspiration and Purity for making this post possible.

The most creative minds shine when a college lecture is on - Chaitik Doshi, 2009.

Waking up every morning and reaching lectures with 'eyes wide shut' has been a routine now. Most of the time, it is the superficial non-audible voice that tells me "You have taken enough efforts my son! Its high time that your brain start working in right direction" and I give up on what the lecturer has to say for the rest of the day. All I can see is a person moving back and forth who is trying to say something... and 59 people holding their eyes open to stare at that person.

Amidst all this , I thought of ACTUALLY doing something nice... and couldn't resist myself to share the masterpiece here..
Location : Room no. 312
Venue : LIBA
Lecture : Legal Environment of Business a.k.a Law
Time : 8.15 am ( Read - Very very early morning )
Ambiance : Divine, calm, and serene.

Jingle on Law ( Original work ) :
Contract Contract Contract Contract
If not contract, there is an act,
Sitting in the class since 8 'O Clock,
Studying law with sleepy flock

Merger waiver null and void,
Is there someway to avoid,
Everything seems to be a rewind,
Peacefully switching off my mind

Day dreaming with open eyes,
Hungry for dosa and sambar rice,
Sitting on last bench with introspection,
With a hope of seeking reincarnation!

*Self Applause and self standing Ovation!
Thank you .... Thank you! ;)

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
And now I'm trying to get back - Jason Mraz :)

Now if I dint write about this, it would be an insult to the place I went to a week back.
Discovery : Breathtaking places / pools / ponds / waterfalls / mountains / valleys...
Location : Venkateshwara National Park / Talakona, Andra Pradesh, India
More Precisely : Earth!

The pictures wont give the feel, you have to be there to believe it. Even if I say I saw Albertosaurus, Barosaurus, Muraenosaurus, Riojasaurus and a few other dinosaur species there.. you wont trust me I know! :)

Never knew my super desperate attempts to run away to mountains and jungles would land me here! I went with a group called CTC (Chennai Trekkers Club), a total of 19 people for the journey. And the fact that I did not know 18 people added to the "That's cool!" statement ;)

The journey was great and the trek was awsumly organized. This place was discovered with the help of GPS and Google maps! Techno freaks... Phew! :)
The total duration of our "Jurassic Park" journey was 54 hours. Each day we trekked for around 12 hours. And for the entire route, we were greeted with ponds and waterfalls every hour!

With this, I knew I was set for a world record.
After my repeated attempts of avoiding it, I finally managed to do what I had never imagined I would do in my 100 year life... In 2 days, I took a bath for a mind numbing 9 times! All thanks to the super awsum waterfalls and the crystal clear water that seduced me to take off my clothes and embrace em all the time!

Our base camp for the overnight stay was a place near a flowing stream with mini waterfalls and big valley on both the sides. The moon light and the starry night along with cool breeze and noise of flowing water made it all perfect! We had maggi soups and noodles for the dinner, had a nice camp fire and slept off.
But god did not like this perfect situation much I think...
It was 2.15am, a cold night.. and suddenly rain gods remembered us. It started pouring! We had to get up quickly, pack our bags and get into a makeshift tent. After around 45 minutes, the sky ran out of water and we decided to sleep again. The only small problem was that everything was wet now. But the call of sweet dreams is too tempting after a tiring day, and all this doesn't matter much. :)

Overall, the trek was one of the most amazing treks of my 200 year life. (P.S. I know I wrote 100 before.. am just being a bit optimistic here :P )

That's what came to my mind when I saw this old, dust accumulated, spider webbed blog. Hadn't posted anything since a long time!

Actually I was struck by a super heavenly voice last night that made me remember that I once created a blog, which was now lying somewhere hidden below the mountain of big books and exams. Just then I said "Fikar not!" I am Back!

(Notice: All the guesses on readers thoughts will be attributed by "Thinkometer")
Well, this is kind of 'Landmark' post (Thinkometer: This guy hasn't even posted double digit posts and here he comes up with a landmark post! Awsum! ). Landmark because I am sitting on land and typing this post.. and at the same time I have got this ink mark on my lappy screen that I am trying to remove.

Spending weekends doing nothing and being alone is an amazing experience. It teaches you a lot of things. (Thinkometer : Right! Like remembering to revive your blog? :P"). You suddenly start giving importance to stuff you have not cared a damn about since a long time (Thinkometer : Haha.. guessed so!) Like cleaning up your room, sorting out dirty and clean clothes from the 100ft. pile, revisiting those long lost books.. actually only the book covers.., and sleep like a monster! At the same time it also teaches you to unlearn an important thing in life-'Taking bath'! (Thinkometer : Eww! :P ). Well its not that I don't like to take bath; infact sometimes I feel that if I was not a human, I would have been a merman! (Thinkometer: Isn't that a male counterpart of mermaid? ) Yeah! Thats right!
But face the reality! I am a human! :P
And this is the reason I have joined the "Save water campaign" with million other people in this world. Zillions of people don't even get proper drinking water and here we are, wasting water in taking a bath everyday! Even though the cleanliness obsessed part of your brain wont allow you to avoid taking a bath on weekday, make use of the wonderful weekends and join in for this noble cause!
Together, we can make a difference! :D

Yeah! I have done that.. and would bet 1 Billion dollars on it. Even NASA would award me for making it here. When I decided to leave Mumbai for another planet, least did I realize that the creatures there are not even remotely connected to "Hindi" :)

Going by the fact that I and other patriotic people use Hindi as our alternate mother tongue, I was surprised to see that the concept of patriotism here.. made a smooth shift from Hindi to
Tamil and from Tamil to Rajnikanth!
But thanks to my parents who scolded me and thrashed me and made me learn "English"! Coz of that I can manage to make some gestures and play English Dumbcharades with all the people here! Thanks Mom! Thanks Dad! :)
Now that I have written about my spine chilling, patriotic , english-to-the-rescue and nerve wracking journey.. time for some survival briefing...
Never in my entire 'rice-free' life did I have Rice of the quantity that I had in 1 month. I am already planning to start some Rice donation camp.. my nervous system can't accept more... and am sure many people would join in for the cause.. :P
I have been craving for "my" world's staple food - vegetables and roti's. Thanks to some angels in disguise here, some "punjabi-food-with-Chennai-twist" dhaba's have helped me keep my hopes of a food revolution alive!
Thats all for the first part of my journey to Idliland! As always.. laziness revisited! :)
Still wondering which place of the planet I am reporting from? :P

Well, its been almost 2 weeks since I have returned from Ladakh, but the hangover still hangs on.

So I thought of describing some of the best shots!
To start with, Ladakh is not "just another holiday destination". Its far more than what we think. Its million times more magical than a location you must have fantasized of going to in your dreams.

The journey started with our 'Rail Yatra' to Delhi. Hunting food in Delhi is difficult if it is past 9pm. And for vegetarians, its like finding a diamond in coal mine! But then here is where Mumbai skills come handy. Veg resto found and dinner accomplished! :)

Now Leh is the capital of Ladakh and the only town with proper connectivity with outside world.
The best part of reaching Leh by flight is the unmatched window view. Never in your life will you get to see it anywhere! Am not talking about a secret tribe of beautiful girls visible on one of the mountains.
As soon as we reached Leh, there was an announcement which added to our excitement : "The temperature outside is 1 degree Celsius." Whoaaaaa! Welcome to Ladakh guyz! ;)

Leh has like a zillion guest houses ranging from Rs.300/day to 5000/day. Tourism is the major source for roti-kapda-makaan here!
Our search for a guesthouse was a pleasant experience. After rejecting an old dust filled guesthouse, we zeroed in to Sia-La Guest house. An amazing guest house with amazing people!

The temperature there was sub-zero throughout the day and went up to -10 at night! So its a heaven for people like me who don't like to bathe everyday :D
The only warning here is that the climate changes anytime any moment and you have to be prepared for it. One moment we were in our tees and jeans, other moment we were in a jacket over 2 tees with cap, gloves and muffler on.
"Acclimatization" is what you do if you are sitting idle and not doing anything. :P

The major places to visit there are Lama yuru (oldest monastery) , Pangong Lake, Nubra Valley, and other major monasteries.

The picture above is of Pangong lake. It is highest lake in the world! 1/3rd of it is in India and 2/3rd in China. What we saw left me spell bound... the entire lake was frozen! I had heard of frozen lakes before, but when I saw this, I was like WTF! It was one of the best moments of the trip. People could actually walk on the lake! And yet we could see water and fishes inside the frozen layer...

Apart from natural beauty, another amazing aspect of Ladakh is the people there.
Ladakhi's are known to be the most friendliest and most hospitable people in the world. We experienced it!
Meet any random person there, and he will make you feel over comfortable. I think, these people are perfect case studies for being polite no matter what! You will feel good even if they they use slang words, coz you would never know it was slang!
"Julley" is the master word in Ladakhi lingo. It covers all greetings like hi, hello, welcome, thank you, bye etc.. So interaction wasn't a problem :)
The real challenge is to understand their names and most importantly remember them. They have all kind of tongue twister names. We are still wondering what our drivers name was : Rig Zing / Reg Zhing / Reg zene / Rig Jhin... :D
But anyway, it was fun being with these people.

Have a million stories to tell about the place. But as always am too lazy now. Maybe I will add some interesting facts later. Till then.... Julley!

Now if I say I will dedicate this post to an Oscar winning movie, I won't give even 10Rs. for guessing the movie name! Recession time.. cost cutting in place ....  :)

There has been an overdose of Slumdog Millionaire. Especially the song "Jai Ho" after the oscar triump.
Keep aside the music award sweep by music maestro A.R.Rahman.
We just want a reason to celebrate! Now the fact that the movie wasn't even considered Indian by Oscar committee doesn't matter. What matters is that we had 3 actors and 6 children who shared some screen space in enchanting "Slumdog Millionaire"!
The children whose existence itself was neglected, are overnight super humans!
I would not be surprised if a temple with their divine statues is erected in Mumbai with name "Chatrapati Shivaji oscar temple" :D
And the television channels would be busy interviewing those kids - teachers (if they ever went to school), their neighbours, friends, cousins, uncle, aunt, the paanwala whose chocolates they bought, the hen whose eggs they stole etc...
The people would be more interested in what they eat, what they drink, what they think about Obama, what are their views on child labour, what brand underwear they wear etc..
We have a tendency to raise people beyond the clouds if they have saved an ant; and bury them deep inside the ground if they killed a mosquito!
By that time, I just wait and be mesmerised by this rather funny tendency of us! :)

Three Cheers to the Oscar Winners! ;)

I have this never ending love for mountains... Yeah I must admit that!

I don't claim to be a hardcore trekker, but its just that I love my moments with Nature..
And with every date "into the wild" comes a pack of experiences.. hot, sour, sweet and spicy! ;)
Ahh... I haven't had the honour to date those "chics" in "metropolitan" Mumbai, but still everything is as sizzling as a sizzler straight out of a downtown "firangi food" restaurant!

The goose bumps I get while standing on edge of a high cliff are unmatched! And the fun in reaching there is even more unmatched :D
Its just that we know we have no option but to stay below the sky for the rest of the day; whether we want to hide under the tree, or hide under that abandoned fort entrance!
My idea of a perfect trek: Walk under the full moon on a breezy path sorrounded by fields on both sides and listen to Pink Floyd :)
Damn! It makes me as excited as sachin when he says "Boost is the secret of my energy"!

Moving furthur, I have this never ending appreciation for Shivaji. Yea! Bal Thakrey and Raj Thakrey would be the happiest people on this planet to know that..
If you are in Maharashtra and trekking the Sahayadri's, and you choose any random mountain and start climbing, 90% chances are that there would be a fort on the top. And if you find a fort on the top, 99% chances are that it would be connected to Shivaji in someway or the other :)
Had he not built so many forts on random, unimaginable, and "out of human reach" locations, I would have been spending my weekends in my house and would have become a boring, nerdy and pathetic!
And in all my journeys to the forts, I have met many amazing and interesting species, straight out of a bollywood melodrama!
Would take another 100 (its so much fun to type this number) posts to write down my experiences... Laterz for now! ;)

Why do people run? Why do people run on streets of Mumbai? Why do people run at 6.45am!? Why do people run the eternal 21 and 42 kms which would make even the healthiest of souls giveup on running!? Why do people pay 300 bucks for doing all this? Why O Why?

Only one name is enough to make your mouth shut for asking all such intelligently nonsensical questions : Mumbai Marathon! Yeah!!! :D
Am posting about this not just coz this is the recent major event ... err baap of major events to have been witnessed recently.. but also for its fun factor!
Where else would you find a massive 36000 people gathering at a place just to run!
I ran the Half Marathon (21.097 kms), and every kilometer was worth the run!
The best part here is, you can do anything crazy on the roads in front of a thousand people.. and there emerges media to capture the moments! ;)
You have Narendra modi, George bush, Gandhiji and Lord Hanuman running together!
And yeah, for all the guys.. the beauty queens of Mumbai get into their boots just so that you can follow them, get across the finish line, and realise "Whoaa! I just completed 21 kms!! " :D
P.S. Special thanks to all those beautiful gals who directly or indirectly helped me finish my half marathon! May god give you the strength to run next Marathon with me too :)

Keep aside the running, there are equal number of people to cheer the great runners.. from a 3 year old handing over bananas and Parle-G buscuits to a 80 year old handing over the water glasses and applying Relispray! The entire scene is electrifying!
The echoes of "Run Run.. just a few kilometers more" were vibrating my heart even after the race was over :)

And I feel pity for those idiots who sleep at home and can't make it.. just to miss such magical moments!
I have been running for the past 6 years now.. and I literally wait for this day for months together!
So next year, better join in.. if not to run.. to cheer!!
And if you decide to cheer, better get some "Kingfisher" Gals.. no other cheering matches theirs! :D
Ciao then! ;)

With the stroke of midnight, when India Rose, to 2009, I thought "What a Life! New year.. new hopes.. new excitement... new recycled brain... new new new *phew!!"
And along with all new things.. came in new year RESOLUTIONS (like buy 1 get 1 free)
Now I have prepared my list of new year resolution.. dunno if I wont be able to complete some, but will try my bestest ;)

The "unbreakable" NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS OF 2009:
1. I won't make any resolutions in 2009 :)
2. I won't break any resolutions in 2009 :)
3. I will not reveal my resolutions to anyone. They are highly confidential!
4. I will stop wearing my 15 yr old clothes... they have been pleading for retirement since a decade.
5. I will be more serious! That means less jokes and even less sense of humor :(
6. I will visit a rehab after I become successful in being serious. And say "Why so Serioussssssss!" :D
7. Every morning, I will pray for all the souls who have to bear me and my crap throughout the day.
8. I won't play any prank on anyone (*Applicable only on Sunday's)
9. I will get a haircut more frequently.. and thus make the barber a millionaire ;)
10. I will minimize the use of my cell phone (Will only use it for calls and sms)
11. I will fall in love.. and again.. and again... (Hopefully with the same gal in entire 2009!!)
12. I will visit Laddakh! (To have one cuppa hot coffee there)
13. I will eat less cheese (*Not applicable when I am in hotels)
14. I will keep a check on my flabs (No harm in just keeping a check eh) ;)
15. I will re-re-re-re-re-re-re-join the gym! :D
16. I will not sleep for more than 9 hours daily!
17. Instead of taking my bike, I will try to walk when I go to any place less than 2 minutes away from my house.
18. I will eat less sweets (This is my last and final step to avoid getting diabetes in future!)
19. I will get in shape (P.S. Round is also a shape)
20. I will not procrastinate things... (Will set the upper limit to just 8-9 days)
21. I will not fight with any Indian, we already have crore things to fight for.
22. I will torture and make at least one terrorist commit suicide out of self depressing super frustration, and make them "AK-47 phobic", "Grenade phobic" , "hostage phobic", and "India phobic"
23. I will keep my resolution list short and sweet :)

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