Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

That's what came to my mind when I saw this old, dust accumulated, spider webbed blog. Hadn't posted anything since a long time!

Actually I was struck by a super heavenly voice last night that made me remember that I once created a blog, which was now lying somewhere hidden below the mountain of big books and exams. Just then I said "Fikar not!" I am Back!

(Notice: All the guesses on readers thoughts will be attributed by "Thinkometer")
Well, this is kind of 'Landmark' post (Thinkometer: This guy hasn't even posted double digit posts and here he comes up with a landmark post! Awsum! ). Landmark because I am sitting on land and typing this post.. and at the same time I have got this ink mark on my lappy screen that I am trying to remove.

Spending weekends doing nothing and being alone is an amazing experience. It teaches you a lot of things. (Thinkometer : Right! Like remembering to revive your blog? :P"). You suddenly start giving importance to stuff you have not cared a damn about since a long time (Thinkometer : Haha.. guessed so!) Like cleaning up your room, sorting out dirty and clean clothes from the 100ft. pile, revisiting those long lost books.. actually only the book covers.., and sleep like a monster! At the same time it also teaches you to unlearn an important thing in life-'Taking bath'! (Thinkometer : Eww! :P ). Well its not that I don't like to take bath; infact sometimes I feel that if I was not a human, I would have been a merman! (Thinkometer: Isn't that a male counterpart of mermaid? ) Yeah! Thats right!
But face the reality! I am a human! :P
And this is the reason I have joined the "Save water campaign" with million other people in this world. Zillions of people don't even get proper drinking water and here we are, wasting water in taking a bath everyday! Even though the cleanliness obsessed part of your brain wont allow you to avoid taking a bath on weekday, make use of the wonderful weekends and join in for this noble cause!
Together, we can make a difference! :D


finally i noe u r alive n rokin in there

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This blog is dedicated to all random thoughts in life!
