Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
And now I'm trying to get back - Jason Mraz :)

Now if I dint write about this, it would be an insult to the place I went to a week back.
Discovery : Breathtaking places / pools / ponds / waterfalls / mountains / valleys...
Location : Venkateshwara National Park / Talakona, Andra Pradesh, India
More Precisely : Earth!

The pictures wont give the feel, you have to be there to believe it. Even if I say I saw Albertosaurus, Barosaurus, Muraenosaurus, Riojasaurus and a few other dinosaur species there.. you wont trust me I know! :)

Never knew my super desperate attempts to run away to mountains and jungles would land me here! I went with a group called CTC (Chennai Trekkers Club), a total of 19 people for the journey. And the fact that I did not know 18 people added to the "That's cool!" statement ;)

The journey was great and the trek was awsumly organized. This place was discovered with the help of GPS and Google maps! Techno freaks... Phew! :)
The total duration of our "Jurassic Park" journey was 54 hours. Each day we trekked for around 12 hours. And for the entire route, we were greeted with ponds and waterfalls every hour!

With this, I knew I was set for a world record.
After my repeated attempts of avoiding it, I finally managed to do what I had never imagined I would do in my 100 year life... In 2 days, I took a bath for a mind numbing 9 times! All thanks to the super awsum waterfalls and the crystal clear water that seduced me to take off my clothes and embrace em all the time!

Our base camp for the overnight stay was a place near a flowing stream with mini waterfalls and big valley on both the sides. The moon light and the starry night along with cool breeze and noise of flowing water made it all perfect! We had maggi soups and noodles for the dinner, had a nice camp fire and slept off.
But god did not like this perfect situation much I think...
It was 2.15am, a cold night.. and suddenly rain gods remembered us. It started pouring! We had to get up quickly, pack our bags and get into a makeshift tent. After around 45 minutes, the sky ran out of water and we decided to sleep again. The only small problem was that everything was wet now. But the call of sweet dreams is too tempting after a tiring day, and all this doesn't matter much. :)

Overall, the trek was one of the most amazing treks of my 200 year life. (P.S. I know I wrote 100 before.. am just being a bit optimistic here :P )


great place dude...You seem to be an adventure

Thanks man!
Yea.. adventure is alwayz fun ;)

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