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For more complex things in life.....

2012! So much is being said, debated and feared about this year. (Thinkometer: Knew something on 2012 was coming)

1** I have always admitted my predictability. :P**

From world famous NASA scientists to local wannabe rocket scientists; from Grammy winners to bathroom singers; from country presidents to building residents (Thinkometer: Good rhyme!); from Obama to Osama; every single human on this “3 years to live” planet has his say on 2012. So I thought why not write some crap on this as well. (Thinkometer: No need to mention crap. It’s understood) Huh! I was just being honest :P

As per the reverse countdown specialists, 21st Dec 2012 is the D-Day. (Thinkometer: Isn’t the wedding day also termed as D-Day?) Yes! Anything which has huge destructive non-reversible impact on any human can be termed as the D-Day. Ok, so going by the facts, the Mayan Calendar will end on the D-Day and thus the world will come to an end. And this won’t happen in a single day; we will face a lot of calamities before the D-Day. Now there is a thing with calamities, there is nothing called as biggest calamity happening these days, every new calamity seems to be different, bigger and more Calamitier (Thinkometer: So true, heavy rains caused the sewage to overflow and I lost my 5rs coin and almost swam my way out from that knee deep water) So big to be a calamity! I should have mentioned the innovativeness of calamities. *Sighs*

So I just made a random list of 20 things some people and group of people might want to do before 2012: (Thinkometer: You can’t complete a post without any lists. Can you? ) Refer 1**

  • Obama: I want to bring change at least by 20th Dec 2012!
  • Osama: Destroy USA before that stupid calamity does.
  • Bill Gates: Looking forward to release Windows 2010, 2011 and Windows Final! Boom!
  • China: Of all the things in the world to be destroyed in 2012, 99% should be ‘Made in China’
  • Pakistan: We don’t care about 2012, even if these talibani bastards allow us to survive till 2011, it would be a miracle!
  • Raj Thakrey: No external calamity can come to Maharashtra and trouble the Marathi manoos.
  • Karan Johar: I want to decide my sexual orientation at the earliest.
  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee: Zzzzzz
  • Sachin Tendulkar: Great feeling! I will retire only when the Earth retires
  • Emraan Hashmi: With 2012, I will “kiss” the world goodbye!
  • Himesh Reshamiya: I want to win the Oscar for best actor
  • Thinkometer: I should be involved in at least one sensible topic on this blog before 2012
  • Mayan souls who predicted 2012: We were kidding!

Sorry to interrupt but laziness has struck back! And I don’t want to waste any bit of being lazy in these last 3 years! (Thinkometer: Duh! You just said that the Mayans were kidding)

Err.. I was kidding ;)


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