Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

“Oh my God!” / “God save us” / “Holy Lord” and thousand other ‘I-have-no-other-option / my-ass-is-on-fire’ words we utter every day. And do we ever wonder as to where is God and if he ever listens to these words? Actually we are more habituated of these words and say them unknowingly most of the times.

(Thinkometer: Hey am back! Err... are we looking forward to some spiritual session today?) Holy no!

Apart from the hard core god fans, I am sure we remember god only when we are waiting for something to happen or we don’t know what to do! I would like to throw some more light on the later. (Thinkometer: Boring...)

What if we had a number in our phone saved by the name of “God”

(Thinkometer: Amazing! How do you come up with such imaginations! Get a life!) Thanks. Secret: The source of this idea was a special “philosophical” session with friends.

Now the idea of having this contact on cell phone excites me more than knowing how much Headley loves India or how much Angie baby earns per movie. And with the cell phone companies cutting and smashing each other’s tariff plans like a boxing bag, it would be so cheap to be in touch with ‘God’. We can even forward a “Jai Shri God. Send this sms to 25000 people and hear good news in 2 hours” message - by this we can assure god that we always love him!

(Thinkometer: Aah! The great Indian mobile story continues..) Well, my point is not to analyze the best cell phone operator or best cell phone plan available. By the way, Reliance has come up with an all India free STD plan. (Thinkometer: You said you won’t analyze!) I wrote ‘By the way’ :P. Be happy with free information!

Well back to having God in cell phone. We can call him anytime, anywhere. P.S. Provided he has call waiting activated. (Thinkometer: Smarty!) Thanku thanku.

And to think of it, our routine conversations would be like,

Me: Hey God! Wassup!
God: Yes, I am up. Wassdown!
Me: Well.. err.. I need help!

Me: Goddy! How is this girl?
God: Don't look at her. She is a nice girl.
Me: Thanks.

Me: Oh my God! Help! Help!
God: I don't take trouble in saving people from barking dogs you looser!

Me: Should I? Should I not?
God: Why do people get so confused in selecting a place to pee in a public toilet! 3rd one from left seems to be okay.
Me: Hehe. Thank you.

Me: Which restaurant should I go?
God: I am not here for such nonsense questions you moron! (Hangs up)

And to keep up with the exam mood...

Me: Will I pass in this exam?
God: Even God can't save you this time! Muhahaha :D
(Thinkometer: *Sighs*)

Happy talking! :)


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