Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

Ok! So this post is not about Sharon Stone giving lessons on instincts (Thinkometer: Ahh! I remember her.. that well 'dressed' lady from the famous movie?) Yeah right. And FYI recently that movie got a sequel too which dint work out as the first one did. (Thinkometer: Obviously there is a big difference between instinct at 25 and instinct at 65!) :)

Err.. Back to topic - This post is a result of my instinctive urge to blog and a thought process behind such instincts. I am the biggest self confessed follower of my instincts. 95% of my actions are a result of what I feel at a point of time. (Thinkometer: True! I am reading this crap just out of my instincts) Thank you! I appreciate that.
And if we observe properly, this entire world lives on instincts. Its in our blood, we rarely realise this! Let me give you some examples of decisions made out of instincts i.e. by not thinking on anything:
  • I wrote this post
  • You started to read this post
  • You are still reading this post
  • Sachin pulled a silly shot which got him out at 99
  • Someone slapped you real hard just like that (Someone will be happy reading this)
  • Bush was elected as the president of USA
  • Bush attacked Afghanistan
  • Bush attacked Iraq
  • Obama said he would bring "Change"
  • You are still reading this post
  • I thought I could write 10 examples on instincts!
(Thinkometer: Smarty! You were actually able to give top 10 examples I could ever get) Thanks again! :)
Isn't it quiet evident that instincts are put into action when everything else fails. Infact we use them even before we try everything. And trust me, its all worth it!
The instinct of choice is what is most frequently used. When presented with a tough situation, you either reject the option or go with it. Try asking a person who has been married for 25 years and hadnt had a fight with his wife even once! He would bless his instinct of choosing the right person. (Thinkometer: Wow! Where did you find this person? Does he live on this planet? Are they humans? Do they live in the same house?...) Duh! Atleast pay attention to the main topic of this post! (Thinkometer: Main topic? Ohh ya, Sharon Stone! ) Sick man!
Do whatever makes us happy. Sing, Dance, Shout, Run, Jump, no matter where you are. People dont really care about our actions. But we care - care for 1 life we have got. No regrets!
Brain is not supposed to be used for everything in life, do what our heart says. Infact, when faced with a crossroad, lets go where we feel like going. In the end, we are responsible for our own actions! (Thinkometer: Now these were awesomely philosophical lines!) I know :)
(Thinkometer: Btw what happened to Sharon Stone?) :( :( :(
P.S. I put the above picture because I felt like putting it. Were we talking about instincts? ;)


heheheehe....nice one bro....gr8 blogging i must say....:) :)
sharon stone really got me

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