Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

With the stroke of midnight, when India Rose, to 2009, I thought "What a Life! New year.. new hopes.. new excitement... new recycled brain... new new new *phew!!"
And along with all new things.. came in new year RESOLUTIONS (like buy 1 get 1 free)
Now I have prepared my list of new year resolution.. dunno if I wont be able to complete some, but will try my bestest ;)

The "unbreakable" NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS OF 2009:
1. I won't make any resolutions in 2009 :)
2. I won't break any resolutions in 2009 :)
3. I will not reveal my resolutions to anyone. They are highly confidential!
4. I will stop wearing my 15 yr old clothes... they have been pleading for retirement since a decade.
5. I will be more serious! That means less jokes and even less sense of humor :(
6. I will visit a rehab after I become successful in being serious. And say "Why so Serioussssssss!" :D
7. Every morning, I will pray for all the souls who have to bear me and my crap throughout the day.
8. I won't play any prank on anyone (*Applicable only on Sunday's)
9. I will get a haircut more frequently.. and thus make the barber a millionaire ;)
10. I will minimize the use of my cell phone (Will only use it for calls and sms)
11. I will fall in love.. and again.. and again... (Hopefully with the same gal in entire 2009!!)
12. I will visit Laddakh! (To have one cuppa hot coffee there)
13. I will eat less cheese (*Not applicable when I am in hotels)
14. I will keep a check on my flabs (No harm in just keeping a check eh) ;)
15. I will re-re-re-re-re-re-re-join the gym! :D
16. I will not sleep for more than 9 hours daily!
17. Instead of taking my bike, I will try to walk when I go to any place less than 2 minutes away from my house.
18. I will eat less sweets (This is my last and final step to avoid getting diabetes in future!)
19. I will get in shape (P.S. Round is also a shape)
20. I will not procrastinate things... (Will set the upper limit to just 8-9 days)
21. I will not fight with any Indian, we already have crore things to fight for.
22. I will torture and make at least one terrorist commit suicide out of self depressing super frustration, and make them "AK-47 phobic", "Grenade phobic" , "hostage phobic", and "India phobic"
23. I will keep my resolution list short and sweet :)


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