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Just Cant help but laugh and write about this...

Though a few days have already passed since this great feat happened, I couldnt resist to put down my humourous feel here!
Am talking about the super grand farewell speech in iraq, where in a journo achieved the honour of throwing his shoes on "The President of United States of America"!! Whoaa!!! :D
I mean, isn't it supercool to tell your grandchildrens that you actually did that when you were young! What a Braveheart! :) (Ofcourse only if the US spares him his life.. or still better leaves his body parts intact)
And this is something that would have given enough reasons for Saddam's "hanging"  soul to dance drink and party... :D
Someone throwing shoe on him, is enough reason to make president of USA look back at the "world peace" he tried to establish..
Well all I can say is that journo man had guts of lion to do this... whatever be his consequences... he would be the one who achieved what even the most powerful people on this planet failed to do...


Well written.....its time you also did something that will go down in time. Probably you grandchildren will get the impetus to throw shoes at their granddad!! :) :)

lol.. ya sure!! Have already bought Rs.199 Bata shoes at Christmas sale! Am waiting to throw and flaunt em :P

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