Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

After defacing the mumbai spirit in my previous post, I have drawn some inferences.. and the way by which we can have that "Change"..   !

Going by the series of "happening" events around.. no one.. not even Superman (How I wished he stayed in mumbai!)   can say when will be his last breath.. :)
Lets face this fact! You leave your home in morning, saying bye to your loved ones, without realising that probably this was the last time you saw them... and this was your last gudbye
Everyone is fragile.. maybe even more fragile than those "handle with care" glasses! Nobody comes with a 100 years guarantee tag! (uhh fuhget 100... even 40 is a realistic number these days)
I just hope, god comes up with a new scheme.. pay 100 extra temple visits.. and you will be upgraded to the new 60 years life guarantee scheme! :D
Just imagine this situation for a while.. and you will realise the gravity of it.
Dint you have '1000 things to do before you die list' in your mind? Dint you always want to do bungee jumping, or go skiing, or maybe dance in the middle of the road, or stand on a mountain peak and shout on top of your voice to talk with god... 
Or say I love you to the person you loved the most... (OK forget about such daredevil stunts :P), just a simple hug, a smile, a few good words to the Peron you care for?! 
There are a million things in my mind... it will take me another 100 posts to list them... yet I would not like to leave this world without leaving even a single wish unfulfilled!

Yet we have tied ourselves by our habit of procrastinating things.. as if we have god visiting us everyday and saying "My Son, dont do this today. You have tomorrow coming up. Leave somethings till then!" :P
Did the 200 people who died in terrorist attacks know they were not returning back?!! They never imagined they wouldnt be there to see next sunrise! We all want to take our last breath after we changed the lives of people around us in some or the other way, after we have winded up things properly, after we are sure that our dear ones would have a happy life ahead, after realising that we did make a "DIFFERENCE!"
This is what I am talking about!

Do the things you always wanted to do. Make the people who you love, realise that you really love them!
Make that phone call to a long lost friend, who you always missed, but were too busy to spare even 5 minutes!
Make that Chinese dish that you always wanted to make, however bad it may be, but the happiness at the end would be priceless! 
Buy a gift for a close person who would least expect a gift from you!

Wipe away the hatred, the anger, the frustration, the depression and make way for positive vibes around you. Am sure all of us, at some point or the other, regret the anger we spit on people around us.. just because we were frustrated/depressed.
Care for the people who care for you. By doing this, we would not only do a favour on ourselves but also spread positive air around. 
Dont hesitate to say simple "Thank you" to a person who just helped you find an address.. Being in mumbai.. i cant think of a better example :)
Live life in such a way that even, admist the most unfortunate consequences, this might be your last day.... you should feel proud of the moments you lived! 
Say NO to hatred, violence, conflicts...  we have many better things to do in life! :)

Atleast this is the most practical "Change", WE can bring about in our lives and the lives of people around us. No permissions required, no petitions necessary!  
So start this change this day, this hour, this minute, this moment.... remember we have no guarantee of tomorrow!

Let us live this day for ourself. Live this day for others.
Live each moment! Live our dreams! 

P.S. If you think my thoughts opened your mind even for a moment, The CHANGE has begun! :)


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