Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

Why do people run? Why do people run on streets of Mumbai? Why do people run at 6.45am!? Why do people run the eternal 21 and 42 kms which would make even the healthiest of souls giveup on running!? Why do people pay 300 bucks for doing all this? Why O Why?

Only one name is enough to make your mouth shut for asking all such intelligently nonsensical questions : Mumbai Marathon! Yeah!!! :D
Am posting about this not just coz this is the recent major event ... err baap of major events to have been witnessed recently.. but also for its fun factor!
Where else would you find a massive 36000 people gathering at a place just to run!
I ran the Half Marathon (21.097 kms), and every kilometer was worth the run!
The best part here is, you can do anything crazy on the roads in front of a thousand people.. and there emerges media to capture the moments! ;)
You have Narendra modi, George bush, Gandhiji and Lord Hanuman running together!
And yeah, for all the guys.. the beauty queens of Mumbai get into their boots just so that you can follow them, get across the finish line, and realise "Whoaa! I just completed 21 kms!! " :D
P.S. Special thanks to all those beautiful gals who directly or indirectly helped me finish my half marathon! May god give you the strength to run next Marathon with me too :)

Keep aside the running, there are equal number of people to cheer the great runners.. from a 3 year old handing over bananas and Parle-G buscuits to a 80 year old handing over the water glasses and applying Relispray! The entire scene is electrifying!
The echoes of "Run Run.. just a few kilometers more" were vibrating my heart even after the race was over :)

And I feel pity for those idiots who sleep at home and can't make it.. just to miss such magical moments!
I have been running for the past 6 years now.. and I literally wait for this day for months together!
So next year, better join in.. if not to run.. to cheer!!
And if you decide to cheer, better get some "Kingfisher" Gals.. no other cheering matches theirs! :D
Ciao then! ;)


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