Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

I have this never ending love for mountains... Yeah I must admit that!

I don't claim to be a hardcore trekker, but its just that I love my moments with Nature..
And with every date "into the wild" comes a pack of experiences.. hot, sour, sweet and spicy! ;)
Ahh... I haven't had the honour to date those "chics" in "metropolitan" Mumbai, but still everything is as sizzling as a sizzler straight out of a downtown "firangi food" restaurant!

The goose bumps I get while standing on edge of a high cliff are unmatched! And the fun in reaching there is even more unmatched :D
Its just that we know we have no option but to stay below the sky for the rest of the day; whether we want to hide under the tree, or hide under that abandoned fort entrance!
My idea of a perfect trek: Walk under the full moon on a breezy path sorrounded by fields on both sides and listen to Pink Floyd :)
Damn! It makes me as excited as sachin when he says "Boost is the secret of my energy"!

Moving furthur, I have this never ending appreciation for Shivaji. Yea! Bal Thakrey and Raj Thakrey would be the happiest people on this planet to know that..
If you are in Maharashtra and trekking the Sahayadri's, and you choose any random mountain and start climbing, 90% chances are that there would be a fort on the top. And if you find a fort on the top, 99% chances are that it would be connected to Shivaji in someway or the other :)
Had he not built so many forts on random, unimaginable, and "out of human reach" locations, I would have been spending my weekends in my house and would have become a boring, nerdy and pathetic!
And in all my journeys to the forts, I have met many amazing and interesting species, straight out of a bollywood melodrama!
Would take another 100 (its so much fun to type this number) posts to write down my experiences... Laterz for now! ;)


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