Keep it Simple!

For more complex things in life.....

As conveyed in the previous post, here I am with a thunderbolt thought! Yes, I call this a thunderbolt thought because of the sheer awesomeness by which it struck my mind and made me jump and crawl and leap and sleep (Thinkometer: Sleep?) Okay! No sleep! I just wanted to make it rhyme :P

This time I will make complete sense out of this post. I promise. (Thinkometer: And I trust you?!) Err… yes, whatever

In the time when world economy is going ‘Jack and Jill went down the hill’, when disasters strike nations left right and center, when PM’s are getting arrested for being extra lusty, when hackers are sparing no organizations to steal data, when CEO’s are going behind the fences for scandals (Thinkometer: MMS scandals?), when entire nations are going bankrupt, I ask one question “Where has sanity gone?” (Thinkometer: How lame!)

It may sound lame but think about it. Is it just everyone else or are we going crazy too? For example let me start with a list of things that are the stepping stones towards insanity

  1. Realizing you are already insane before reading below
  2. Feeling that the world will end in 2012 and planning to pursue a trip to Hollywood to check if Pamela Anderson has real implants
  3. Still hoping that Obama will bring change
  4. Joining every possible social network out there thinking we might still find new friends. The truth is that it’s the same set of people that keep bumping everywhere
  5. Gifting your wife a barrel of crude oil as the most precious gift on your 25th anniversary
  6. Seriously thinking of hacking as a career option
  7. Believing that Apple with bail out the US economy
  8. Listening to Justin Bieber on full volume
  9. Organizing a slut walk in Bangkok
  10. Considering a Rs.1000 cr. scam to be too small and pity the culprit
  11. Travelling in Air India without praying
  12. Travelling in Air India after praying
  13. Asking your employer to sign a ‘No firing’ agreement
  14. Banging into railway platform pillars to reach Hogwarts
  15. Disagreeing to any of the above point

(Thinkometer: I object my lord!) Objection over ruled :)

Yes! After a billion light years I am back! (Thinkometer: Yes right! And I have been waiting for you like your abandoned loyal wife) I know I know. Agreed that I was a bit caught up with something called 'Life', but I couldn't stay away from this blog especially when the world is becoming so complex. Thats the reason I have named this blog 'Keep it Simple' coz this is how aha aha we like it ;) (Thinkometer: Thats so thoughtful and smart of you)
And the heavy downpour for the entire day made sure I got double inspired to start blogging again (Thinkometer: Thats because you have nothing else to do) Duh! I was just being sarcastic.

With this comeback speech may I welcome myself to my creative best (Thinkometer: Was this a comeback speech? The crappiest one ever!) Well.. ummm.. thank you :)
Will be back with some story soon. Hook on :P

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